Go-Live Date: Jan 25, 2004 (Approximate)
Project Overview
This is the custom site for our lead developer Jennifer Zelazny.

Front End Description
What you see here is about the 5th design I produced in a matter of two or three months. I spend many hours looking at some of the best designed web sites on the web and taking note of each part I liked and did not like. Since blogging has become so popular, web sites have starting mimicking the general blog layout. Experienced (my target audience) web surfers’ eyes are trained to look for navigation at the top of the page, the body of the page in the middle, and static links to be available on the left side of the screen. I added the idea of having section specific information available on the right hand side. The year 2004 was the year of the blog for me.
Back End Description
There is no custom functionality beyond WordPress's custom admin.
Lessons Learned/Random Thoughts
Even if I QA my work on Safari, Netscape, FireFox, and Mac IE 5.x with code that is validated by the W3C, it is inevitable that IE for Windows will still display things different. It is all about learning CSS tricks and being patient. May hours went into the CSS, but at the end, it is a great feeling to know it works on 99% of the browsers. I also learned the valuable lesson of using multiple style sheets to combat some CSS issues in IE.