Go-Live Date: Mar 04, 2010 (Approximate)
Project Overview
WalkIberia offers tips and information about walking trails, etc in Iberia.

Front End Description
The client wanted something with a lot of different content areas on all views. This site has a lot of moving parts: slideshows, carousels, tabs, custom views for home, category views, bbPress theme, etc.
Back End Description
For ease of use, the forum and site login is single sign-on. There are a few custom admin panels for ad management as well as to specify what goes into the featured slideshows. There are also a number of custom functions that make all the moving parts dynamic so the client can easily feature, change, move around the content in all views
Lessons Learned/Random Thoughts
After this site was completed – I duplicated it to another domain (Portuguese): http://passear.com which was the first time I used the Portuguese build of WordPress. WordPress is still easy to use – even it not in your native language!