Wild Cache

Go-Live Date: Nov 27, 2007 (Approximate)

Project Overview

Wild Cache is a lightweight PHP content accelerator that you can download and use.

Services Provided:

Front End Description

I was given the name of the software and free reign to come up with whatever I could. I decided to go with a leopard skin header and then base the rest of the colors off of the header image. The developer I made this for wanted something simple and easy to work with that went with.

Back End Description

The theme is very simple yet is based on one of my standard themes (which uses a lot of sandbox theme functionality). There are several functions that make this site easy to maintain (sidebar widget, dynamically generated navigation/menu bar, etc).

Lessons Learned/Random Thoughts

This was a fun and quick project and I look forward to seeing what others think about WildCache. This is my second time working on a WordPress VIP project – and I really enjoy working with the Automattic staff.

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