Tag: WordPress Logic

Show Only Category (Not Subcategory) Content

If you ever wanted to only show the content of the category you were on in the category view of WordPress (instead of the category you are on plus all of it’s subcategories – you can easily do so by adding the code below to the template that is used to show your category content

You would start your loop with this:


Put your title, content functions here

and where you normally see the call, put to close the additional (in_category) if statement.

This code gets the current category and then only displays categories that are in that category (not sub category)

Remove “Private:” From WordPress Titles

I needed to be able filter out the text “Private:” for posts and pages that were password protected but did not want to edit any core WordPress files. To filter out that text, I added the following code into my functions.php file (within my theme directory):

function remove_private_prefix($title) {
$title = str_replace(
return $title;

(I also posted this filter in the WordPress Support Forum)