Lucidity Catalog WordPress Theme
Simplicity is King
Sometimes setting up a eCommerce site or plugin is over the top, too complicated, or just too involved for people. With Lucidity Catalog – you can easily set up your own catalog or store using WordPress categories and a few custom fields. You can offer a store on your web site in a matter of minutes by following these simple five steps:
- Create Your Store or Catalog Category. Create a category within WordPress that you want to use for your store or catalog. You can just use one master category or you can create sub categories as well to offer several “types” of products.
Create the Category - Select your Store or Catalog Category. Go to the Lucidity Catalog Settings and choose your category.
Select Your Category - Create a Post Announcing or Highlighting Your Product. Create a post that highlights your product and add in the extra information that will be used for the store or catalog view.
Create a Post - Categorize Your Post/Product. Add your product to either the store or catalog category or one of the sub categories.
Categorize - Sit Back and Enjoy. Simply view your store or catalog category and you will see everything dynamically put into place as soon as you add a new post within that category.
You can see this in action by checking out the demo catalog: or by seeing a customized version:
Support is available at the SDAC Inc. Forums
You can demo this theme:
This theme is available for purchase: Buy Theme ($75.00)
*This theme is licensed under the GPL license.
I found another site that allows submission of free wordpress themes STCFX. I guess they also offer free theme storage as well.