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SDAC Recommends: WordPress Plugin: WordPress Reports

After you put all your time and effort into creating your WordPress blog or WordPress web site, it is important to keep an eye on where your visitors are entering and exiting your site, what they are viewing (and not viewing), where they are being referred from, and how many people are reading your RSS feeds. Fortunately – if you sign up for the free Google Analytics and/or Feedburner services, you can easily view your site’s statistics using the WordPress Reports within your WordPress Admin. Definitely check this plugin out if you are at all serious about increasing your web site traffic.

Terms of Use Javascript

Need: A script that a client could easily call within a URL to force the users to agree to their terms of use before downloading a file.

Solution:Either put the following code in the header, or in a .js file to include:

function terms(){
	question = confirm("Terms of Use text here")
 if (question !="0"){

Then, call this code in your HTML code by using:

<a href="" />Download Link</a>

SDAC Recommends: WordPress Plugin: Fold Page List

If you are using WordPress pages with your WordPress based web site and are looking to make your web site more dynamic – check out Fold Page List plugin. This plugin will allow you to dynamically create drop down menus for your site without any hassle. The developers of this plugin are helpful and are open to suggestions. (The last release addressed a feature I requested)

SDAC Recommends: WordPress Plugin: Update Manager

A number of bugs can easily be solved by making sure you have the latest version of a particular plugin. If you are like most people, you do not have time to go to each and every plugin’s web site and confirm you have the latest version, but the Update Manager plugin will. The plugin is relatively new and somewhat in beta, but it has already saved me countless hours – and hopefully will do the same for you.

bbPress Templates and Customization

Since we like to develop custom WordPress solutions, we are proud to now offer custom bbPress solutions and templates. bbPress is a light weight and fast forum solution from the makers of WordPress.


  • Fast and light
  • Simple interface
  • Customizable templates
  • Highly extensible
  • Spam protection
  • RSS Feeds
  • Easy integration with your WordPress web site

If you need a custom install of bbPress, contact us for a free quote.

SDAC Recommends: WordPress Plugin: iGSyntax Hiliter

After looking for a good code highlighting plugin, I can finally recommend iGSyntax Hiliter. This plugin allows you to “highlight” multiple languages within your WordPress web site.

PHP example:


CSS Example:

 .clear {clear:both;}

The plugin is easy to install and use, and if you still needs more information, a manual is provided.