Tag: git

Subversion/Git Hosting with CloudForge

We recently decided to look at different options for hosting our code repositories. Yesterday, we made the move to go with CloudForge. I personally set up almost 70 projects yesterday afternoon and was very pleased with the process, documentation, and interface.

There are a number of different signup/pricing tiers (first option = free). The standard tier ($2 a month) offers multiple users, trac/bugzilla, a one click deployment tool, advanced user roles and permissions, as well as support.

There are also integrations with Basecamp, ZenDesk, Box, and other tools most developers already use.

You can also easily keep track of all your code, get email notifications when code is checked in (shows author, files changed, diffs, etc), view reports, and get a clear idea of what is going on with each project.

When creating a new project – there are very clear instructions on everything you need to know (this made for a very painless afternoon yesterday as I made the switch).

All in all – I have been very pleased and look forward to working with it each and every day in the foreseeable future. If you are looking for a hosted solution for your projects (which goes well beyond just repository hosting) – take a look at Cloudforge