Tag: WordPress 5.5.1

WordPress 5.5.1 Maintenance Release Available

Over 30 bug fixes and multiple enhancements for WordPress 5.5.1

This release should be installed for any site that is running WordPress 5.5. There are multiple block editor fixes as well as other important fixes for sitemaps, lazy loading, REST API, etc.

You can read more by looking at the release notes: https://wordpress.org/support/wordpress-version/version-5-5-1/

You can also see a complete list of changes: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/query?status=closed&resolution=fixed&milestone=5.5.1&order=priority

If you have not done so already – download the update or simply use your existing installation of WordPress to update your site. Either way – this is an excellent time to make a backup copy of your site(s) before upgrading.