Tag: WordPress Update

WordPress Update: WordPress 3.8 Now Available

WordPress version 3.8 is now available for download. This new version features a much more modern look and feel on the admin side. Here are a few things you will notice:

  • New theme: Twenty Fourteen
  • Responsive admin design so everything looks great on all devices
  • Newly designed admin dashboard
  • Faster page load times in the admin
  • Admin color scheme options

You can read more about the update: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/query?status=closed&group=resolution&milestone=3.8

You can download WordPress 3.8: http://wordpress.org/wordpress-3.8.zip

WordPress Update: WordPress 3.7.1 Now Available

WordPress 3.7.1 (Maintenance Release) is now available. The update contains some important bug fixes which are documented in the changelog for 3.7.1.

You can download WordPress 3.7.1: http://wordpress.org/wordpress-3.7.1.zip

WordPress Update: WordPress 3.5 is Available

WordPress 3.5 is now available for download. This update contains great updates to the media workflow, a new theme, updated dashboard styling, and a number of other fixes/enhancements which makes this a great release. If you have not done so already – you can watch a video about all the updates: http://wordpress.org/news/2012/12/elvin/ or just download it and enjoy!

For a good overview on all the changes – take a look: http://codex.wordpress.org/Version_3.5

Download WordPress 3.5

WordPress 3.2 is Available

WordPress 3.2 has officially been released. The update contains a number of changes making WordPress faster with a refreshed backend user interface. You can read more about all the changes and updates that went into 3.2 if you are interested. You can also see all the specific changes/fixes as well.

Download the latest versions of WordPress: WordPress 3.2

WordPress 3.1.3 Is Available

WordPress 3.1.3 has officially been released. The update contains security fixes for all previous versions. You can read more about all the changes and updates that went into 3.1.3 if you are interested. You can also see all the specific bug/security fixes as well. It is recommended that everyone applies this update promptly.

Download the latest versions of WordPress: WordPress 3.1.3

WordPress 3.1.1 is Available

WordPress 3.1.1 has officially been released. The update contains a few security updates, performance improvements and updating is highly recommended as soon as possible. You can read more about all the changes and updates that went into 3.1.1 if you are interested. You can also see all the bug/security fixes as well.

Download the latest versions of WordPress: WordPress 3.1.1

WordPress 3.0.3 Available

WordPress 3.0.3 has officially been released. The update contains security updates (XML-RPC remote publishing issue) and like usual, updating is highly recommended. You can read more about all the changes and updates that went into 3.0.3 if you are interested. You can also see all the bug/security fixes as well.

Download the latest versions of WordPress: WordPress 3.0.3

WordPress 2.9.1 is Available

WordPress 2.9.1 has officially been released. The update contains some bug fixes and like usual, updating is highly recommended. You can read more about all the changes and updates that went into 2.9.1 if you are interested. You can also see all the bug fixes as well.

Download the latest versions of WordPress: WordPress 2.9.1

WordPress 2.9

WordPress 2.9. has officially been released. This update has a number of changes and updates and contains a number of really cool features for both developers and users.

For users – you will notice a few things that might catch your eye:

  • Easy embeds. Simply copy and paste your a URL from YouTube, etc and it will auto turn it into an embedded video.
  • Trash. Now when you have the option to “trash” posts and pages so if you delete something but want to retrieve it later, you can (until you empty the trash)
  • Image Editor. Now you can easily manage (crop, resize, etc) your images without using your favorite grpahics program

For developers – here are some of my favorites:

  • New custom gallery code that lets you include/exclude items as well as pull in attachments from other posts.
  • Post thumbnails. (Just enable and go!)
  • Support location of category templates based on ‘category-slug’ (nice especially when you have more than one install with different category IDs
  • Added ‘excerpt_more’ filter to wp_trim_excerpt() function, which allow developers to change excerpt ‘[…]’ more string

You can read more about all the changes and updates that went into 2.9 if you are interested. You can also see all the bug fixes as well.

Download the latest versions of WordPress: WordPress 2.9

WordPress 2.8.5 is Available

WordPress 2.8.5 has officially been released. The update contains a few security fixes and updating is highly recommended. You can read more about all the changes and updates that went into 2.8.5 if you are interested. You can also see all the bug fixes as well.

Download the latest versions of WordPress: WordPress 2.8.5